Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am a supermom...or not

Sometimes i think i'm so capable.

I am a SAHM taking care of two young kids all on my own, with no help. Well, my mom comes occassionally but that's just once or twice a week and its not even the entire day. I  cook our meals (except dinner 'cos the hub cannot stomach my food-he's a picky eater not that my cooking is bad), do the kids and adults laundry, fold them and iron the hub's business shirt, mop the floor etc. I still try to squeeze in a homeschool activity or two with the boy. (You notice i left out washing the dishes 'cos that's the hub's job! HA!)

I surprise everyone around me, including myself. I didn't know if i was able to make it, but i did. I have been doing it for a good 3 weeks now and i dare say im getting a hang of it.

Sometimes i think i fail as a mom.

 I can't keep my temper in check and sometimes find myself snapping at the 4 year old. Poor boy, he gets the worst from me. At times, i think i wrongly yell at him. And im ashamed to say, i even yell at the little one who has no clue what's going on. Of course, i feel really horrible after each episode.

I am glad to say though, things have improved. I've been able to find my joy back and i'm working hard to make it up to the boy. Im very fortunate that despite all that verbal bashing from me, sonshine boy still remains cheerful. Till now, he hasn't displayed any sibling jealousy. As for the girl, she's probably sensed that im emotionally lighter now and that's perhaps why she's been smiling alot lately.

I guess, i can say we're getting the momentum? I sure hope so!

7 Weeks on....

They say girls are more interactive even as infants; they smile, coo and respond to you more than boys. I thought otherwise until chub chub hit 7 weeks old.

Chub chub has been smiling alot more these days. Or rather, she's very responsive whenever i talk to her. She would give me her widest smile, so wide that her already small eyes become smaller. She would coo back to me and look me in the eyes so intently. I love it, it makes me want to talk to her even more just so i can earn more smiles from her. Times like this, makes all her fussing so worth the while.

Sonshine boy was also a smilely baby. I remember he would smile at every new face he's eyes set upon. Even today, my 4 year old is still flashing his sunshine smile. Never a day would go by without his smile. I've got a cheerful boy. I hope chub chub takes after him!

Monday, June 20, 2011

All that sleep!

Baby chub chub was born a sleeping princess. She was such a sleepy head that it was challenging to wake her up for feeds. I was even worried that she was sleeping too much! I could put her down to sleep easily after each feed, shift her from point A to B to C to D and back to A again without waking her up. But, this bliss didn't last long. Now at about 7 weeks, her sleeping pattern seem to be changing. She now has to be rock to sleep but wakes up within 5-10minutes after i put her down. It's driving me bananas! Swaddling her worked for awhile but now it seems to be losing its magic. She'd stir, kick her legs up and wriggle her hands out from the swaddle cloth and all that activity would wake her up from her slumber. There goes all my hard work! 

But im keeping positive. I tell myself at least she's healthy, at least im rocking her in the comfort of our home and not in the hospital, at least i've a baby to rock to sleep. Im in a far better place then some women out there so i should appreciate these challenges and stop complaining. But it can be a challenge itself to remain happy in the midst of all that fussiness! Crossing fingers that it'll pass over soon!


This is a blog about my baby girl, chubby chub chub. She's born in April 2011, making me a proud mama of two! I have another 4 year old boy and both kids are rocking my world in all sense of the word! I'll be jotting down in this blog all about my journey with this girl, from her temperaments to home learning. So stay tune!