Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am a supermom...or not

Sometimes i think i'm so capable.

I am a SAHM taking care of two young kids all on my own, with no help. Well, my mom comes occassionally but that's just once or twice a week and its not even the entire day. I  cook our meals (except dinner 'cos the hub cannot stomach my food-he's a picky eater not that my cooking is bad), do the kids and adults laundry, fold them and iron the hub's business shirt, mop the floor etc. I still try to squeeze in a homeschool activity or two with the boy. (You notice i left out washing the dishes 'cos that's the hub's job! HA!)

I surprise everyone around me, including myself. I didn't know if i was able to make it, but i did. I have been doing it for a good 3 weeks now and i dare say im getting a hang of it.

Sometimes i think i fail as a mom.

 I can't keep my temper in check and sometimes find myself snapping at the 4 year old. Poor boy, he gets the worst from me. At times, i think i wrongly yell at him. And im ashamed to say, i even yell at the little one who has no clue what's going on. Of course, i feel really horrible after each episode.

I am glad to say though, things have improved. I've been able to find my joy back and i'm working hard to make it up to the boy. Im very fortunate that despite all that verbal bashing from me, sonshine boy still remains cheerful. Till now, he hasn't displayed any sibling jealousy. As for the girl, she's probably sensed that im emotionally lighter now and that's perhaps why she's been smiling alot lately.

I guess, i can say we're getting the momentum? I sure hope so!


  1. jiayou! I'm a SAHM too. 3 kids. youngest one is a girl, like yours. I don't have a helper too.
    yes, I find myself having a short fuse too. maybe it's just natural when we have so much work and very little time and rest.
    however, just wanna give you a big hug! things will get better and better!

    (i found your blog while googling for montessori and home schooling) :)

  2. WAH! you put me to shame! 3kids with no help...and here i am complaining! THanks for the encouragement, moms like you tell me that its possible to raise kids without help!
