Baby chub chub was born a sleeping princess. She was such a sleepy head that it was challenging to wake her up for feeds. I was even worried that she was sleeping too much! I could put her down to sleep easily after each feed, shift her from point A to B to C to D and back to A again without waking her up. But, this bliss didn't last long. Now at about 7 weeks, her sleeping pattern seem to be changing. She now has to be rock to sleep but wakes up within 5-10minutes after i put her down. It's driving me bananas! Swaddling her worked for awhile but now it seems to be losing its magic. She'd stir, kick her legs up and wriggle her hands out from the swaddle cloth and all that activity would wake her up from her slumber. There goes all my hard work!
But im keeping positive. I tell myself at least she's healthy, at least im rocking her in the comfort of our home and not in the hospital, at least i've a baby to rock to sleep. Im in a far better place then some women out there so i should appreciate these challenges and stop complaining. But it can be a challenge itself to remain happy in the midst of all that fussiness! Crossing fingers that it'll pass over soon!
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