Monday, October 31, 2011

If you put me through a parenting examination, i'll probably fail it. Have i nursed the baby to sleep? Check. Let the kid eat in front of the tv? Check. Allow the kid to eat and play iphone? Check. Potty train the kid late? Check. Let the kid sleep late? Check. Still feeding the 4-year old his meals? Check. Oh well.

Of course, i do see the reasoning and benefits of avoiding the above. However, i've decided to chill and be cool with it. Here's how i think

I feel that these are lifelong skills that the child will eventually learn. So what if your kid was able to sleep through at 5 months? So what if your kid was potty trained at 1? My sonshine boy was late to do all that, but he eventually achieved it all. Is he worst off than your kid? Is your kid smarter than mine? Absolutely not.  

I used to feel like a failure because my son was still nursing to sleep at 2 years old, still needs us to spoon feed him at 4 years old. But then again, have you heard a normal 35 year old man still needing to be nursed to sleep by his mother? Or seen a man bringing his mother to his business luncheons so that he can be fed by her. Enough said. So i figured, he will eventually be weaned off this baby habits. True enough, he was off the boobs naturally- no training was involved, no crying, no stress. He was just simply ready. Same for his potty training. Truth is, there were no accidents during the so called training. I deliberately waited for him to be ready to be off the diapers and the wait paid off!

To me these are not like behavioral issues or related to values/morals that need to be corrected early. These are developmental issues and sometimes cannot be rushed. Just like no one would rush a 5 month old baby to walk, right? So why insist the child to sleep through the night if he's not ready? If your kiddo is ready by 5 months, by means go ahead and train her. But what if she is not? Why introduce a young infant to stress just so you can have some rest? Sure, the experts say all 5 month olds are physically ready to be sleep trained but is yours emotionally ready?

I also get criticised alot because i allow my 4 year old to play the iphone during meals, because we're still spoon feeding him. I also get alot of 'You shouldn't' looks when i tell people my son sleeps late. Again, i felt like i was a lousy mother. But i've since taken another perspective. People do not know the hell we went through just to get the boy to eat. We had no choice but to let him sit in front of the tv, play the iphone etc during meals. WE HAD to do it. I mean, which parent would bear to see their kid not eating and under weight? And yes, i've tried starving him but believe me, it didn't work.  I'd much rather he comes to the table happy and willingly rather than to have him come reluctant, tearful and stressed.

And who says a kid who sleeps in late is not getting enough sleep? Yours sleep at 8 but wakes up at 6. Mine sleeps at 11, wakes up at 7. Yours nap for 1 hour, mine...(are you ready?) 3 hours! Both gets the same total of sleep! The difference? Your kids get to spend less time with the working parent on a weekday (because yours sleep in early). Mine gets to spend some good time with his working father everyday.

Personally, there isn't any right or wrong in this. It's all about your family's objectives. For us, we refuse to put our kids through intense and stressful training just so we adults get some convenience in our lives. For us, we put his eating above everything else. We don't want a scrawny kid. We want our kids to sleep later so that they can have some play time with my husband (so long as they have enough sleep in the day) and not have him rush home everyday only to kiss them goodnight.

What's your objective?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

6 Months and counting

At 5 months old, Chub chub has fallen ill 5 times! THat is like once a month! I don't remember sonshine boy falling sick this often when he was at this stage! Runny nose is the main culprit but the worst was her stomach virus. :(

As i typed this, her nose is running once again. Oh when will this drama end?

I digress. I am here to jot down her progress.

1. She's starting to reach out for things. Apart from her toys, she has started to grab magazines, newspaper and even big brother's hair. I have nominated sonshine as the best brother in the world for allowing lil' sister to pull his hair! He thinks it's funny! Her favourite thing to grab is hair. My hair. I swear if she's gonna pull my hair ONE more time i would just...just...just.........

Anyway, her grip is strong enough for me to exercise with her. I'll put her down on her back, have her fingers grip mine and i'll pull her up into sitting up position. SOOO FUN!!

2. She recognises faces and will smile gleefully at familiar faces until her eyes vanish from the sight of this earth! With new faces, she'd study them diligently and intensely. Once done, she warms up to them with big bright smiles!

3. Her fav person is not mama. Mama is the person she NEEDS most. But the person she ADORES most is her brother who can effortlessly and unknowingly make her chuckle spontaneously. But unfortunately, big brother couldn't care less about her. :I

4. She can sit up unsupported! WOOT!

5. She has been turning herself from back to front and now is learning to turn from front to back.

6. She HATES tummy time and would cry for help in 2 seconds!

7. We've started her solid feeds. She is willing to take up to about 3-4 small baby spoons of cereal and that is about it. She has opinions about apple puree...not a good one.

8. She gets bad bouts of rashes on her face especially. Once, i ate too much chocolate with NUTS and her face went swollen red. Oops.

9. She has learnt to settle herself in the car seat. Unlike the last time, she would cry each time in the car seat. There are still such days but there are good days where she could be quiet in the car to & fro. WOOT!

I think if it wasn't for the fact that ive got 2 kids, chub chub is easy to manage- in fact easier than her brother. For one, she can sleep on the go without any nursing aid. Daddy can carry her, she can also doze off in her carseat. Big brother needed to be nursed ALL the time which was super exhausting (but still ok for me since he was the only child then). She can be left in her exersaucer, bumbo seat for some time thus giving me some break in between. Big brother needed to be carried most of the time...i think.

I feel like i am going through the motion with chub chub because i now have two kids to handle. I think i was more affectionate with sonshine boy but with chub chub its just work. :( I don't know, perhaps i am being too hard on myself.