Monday, July 25, 2011

What is wrong with babies wanting to be carried?

I am probably one of the unconventional mamas around. I think it's got alot to do with the parenting books i read.

Any mother would probably heard of this or be an advocate for this advice: don't carry the baby too much least they'll get use to it. I don't believe in this nonsense. It doesn't align with my logic.

What is wrong with babies wanting to be carried? Think about it, the baby has been 'carried' for 9 entire months, safe and close to mummy. The world is quite a different experience from mummy's womb & can be a handful for the infant to download into her puny brain. Of course she cries to be carried, that's where she finds comfort and security from this crazy, noisy world. I tend to think the more we refuse their simple need to be carried, the more insecure they'd become. And on the contrary, they will cry EVEN HARDER the next time.

And dig this, research has shown that babies who are carried more often are those who cries lesser. It has been found that babies in rural countries, Africa, India etc tend to cry lesser than those in the West. Why? Because these babies are carried by their mothers almost 24/7. It makes all the sense to me. To babies, their mothers are safe havens where they feel most secure & comforted. Being carried by their mothers all day long, they feel safe and consoled.

Its a fact that sonshine boy cried much lesser than chub chub when he was an infant. Its also a fact that i carried him, had him close by, co-sleep more often than chub chub. Unfortunately, i don't carry chub chub as often & i dont co sleep with her- not by choice by forced by circumstances. And it is a fact that she cries ALOT more than her brother.

And i don't get it when people say we shouldn't give in to the baby's cries so easily. We all know that babies only form of communication is to cry. So when they cry, they are sending a message that they are in need. By ignoring the baby & leaving her to cry, what are we telling the child? That mummy will selectively come to her rescue, mummy doesn't care about her needs. As if the infant is mature enough to tell herself that 'oh i should not disturb mummy, she needs to rest'. DUH. How silly. How absurd. I think the way to go is to sweep the baby up as quickly as possible, before her whines escalates into heart wrenching wails. Why let the baby go through unnecessary stress?

I think City mothers like us need to re-think our parenting beliefs. We think we are so advanced & knowledgable but truth is, primitive parenting is the better way to go.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unpredictable- that's how daddy describes chub chub. One moment she smiles at you ever so sweetly and the next she turns into a monster, wailing her lungs out. Well, she has the making of a typical woman. She needs to rant, whine and complain and boy, does she do it so well. :I Sonshine boy was much easier to manage. He was easily soothed and quite quickly too. But chub chub is different. If she's unhappy, she will need to cry it all out, nothing will calm her down. She'll calm down as soon as she's done 'complaining'. It's not easy to read her, she's a hard nut to crack. Doesn't it sound like a typical woman?! Daddy says one of mummy is enough, this house doesnt need two of me. :(

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chub's Sleeping pattern

As the weeks pass, it's getting harder to put chub to sleep. Each week, her sleeping pattern evolve- not for the better unfortunately. As a newborn, she slept so well but as she becomes older, it's getting tougher. No longer are her naps hours long, it has become minutes long. Now, she's taking frequent catnaps from 10-15minutes throughout the day. Everyday is a different story, one day rocking her is good, another day nursing and on bad days neither! 

The good thing is, she doesnt catnap at night but sleeps for long stretches though not yet through the night. Right now, she'd sleep for 5-6hours before waking up for her first milk feed of the night, then she'd sleep for another 3 hours before her second feed. Fortunately, unlike her day time naps, her bedtime is getting better. Previously, she'd wake up every 2-3 hourly and every hourly when it hits 4am till 8am. But these days, she seems to be dropping her hourly wakes even if so, it would only occur once in the early morn.

I've tried reading books from experts to see what i can do to improve. But as i read each book, i get myself more confused and concern. There are just too many varied and extreme recommendations, i just do not know which is the right one! Each methodology has its own 'fans' swearing by it. Yes, this happened to me even when i was babying my first child. Both times, i've decided to screw the books, screw the clock, screw what's right what's wrong and just follow my child's lead- though it is freaking exhausting. But i just refuse to put my baby through stressful sleep training or force her to conform to what the adults think is 'good or right'.