Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I was reading my old (private) blog about sonshine's routine and was surprised that his routine at about 8-10 months old is pretty much similar to babydoll's! I then decided i should record her routine too (in case i have a 3rd kid!).

Babydoll usually is up at 8-9am. Sonshine wakes up at about 9am. I would wash them up and let the girl crawl around the house while the boy plays with his toy or watch a tv program.  The boy and i have our quick breakfast. Some days i would lure the kids into the playroom and we'll do some activities or rather she will play Miss disruptive while sonshine tries to do some activities.  

About 10-11am, she would be due for her nap. Normally, if she wakes up early at 8am, she would take her nap at home, if its late 9am-ish, then she would fall asleep in the car on our way to sonshine's school. While she is asleep, i dress sonshine and i up for school. 1130am- we're off to school!

If she's asleep in the car, i would happily drive myself to nearby malls after i drop sonshine off and wait patiently in the car till she wakes up before we, ladies, go shopping! Otherwise, i would go straight home for my lunch. Either way, i would head home before i leave again to pick the boy up. After i ensure that my tummy is satisfied, i would feed the lady her solids. At this point, she isn't fantastic with her meals so i prepare her meals that is fuss free like instant cereal!

When she is not fussy and sleepy, i would take this time to read her books and do flashcards with her. It is tough doing this when sonshine is at home because he tends to want to join in and make alot of noise thus distracting the little one. Otherwise, she is very willing to sit on my lap and let me read 4-5 books to her. I can tell she enjoys our reading session! Anyway, that is why i choose to read and do flashcards with her at this time when big brother is in school.

Her next nap would be due at 1-2pm. Again, she usually takes her nap at home otherwise it would be in the car on our way to school. Her naps usually last 20-30mins.

By 3 pm, we are all home again. Sonshine takes his snacks while babydoll continues her floor expedition. At 4pm, i would pack the kids into the room. Depending whether they are tired otherwise i would play alittle while with the both of them or read. by 5pm, the kiddos are asleep and this is where I take my nap!! MY FAVOURITE TIME OF THE DAY CAN YOU TELL??!!

The kids are up from their nap by 7pm just in time to greet papa when he comes home! Dinner for all, daddy plays with the kids while i take my shower.

Babydoll is off to her lala land by 9pm-ish. The boy....well....erm very late. After he showers, i am back to work- i read books with him while he drinks his milk. This is where my day ends! Or not, i have to put the boy to sleep because my dear husband needs his 'me' time so i have to sacrifice my bedtime for my dear dear husband.

This is my life. How fun isn't it? ;P

Sunday, February 5, 2012


They say babies are ready to eat solids at 6 months. I waited for you to turn 7 months. I was excited, i even convinced daddy that we NEED an Avent steamer-blender to prepare your food. Of course, that was just a WANT. But, you didn't entertain any more than 1-2 baby spoons of food. So, off to the shelf the blender went and i waited.

I tried again at 8 months, but you would cry relentlessly whenever i place you in your chair. I even screamed at you once being so disappointed that you refused to eat yet again. Each time your bum touch the chair you would wail. Even if you would eat, all the puree would somehow leak out of your mouth, making feeding you really messy- which made me very annoyed. I gave up, i packed the blender to shelf again. Daddy also suggested we wait till you are ready and screw what the books say. If you are not ready to eat, you are not ready to eat.

I'm glad i heeded daddy's advice because now at 9months, it is such a pleasure feeding you. I noticed how you would look so longingly at our food and letting your saliva drool right down to your neck. Instead of a full solid meal, i decided to tease you, interest you to eating by giving you snacks here and there. I pinched bread, gave your Gerber puffs which you oh so love. The teasing worked, because you ate well when i first fed you with the jar food. I decided to test your interest first with jar food instead of wasting time in the kitchen. VIOLA! You ate and ate. So off to the kitchen i went! First, it was sweet potato and carrot. No, you didn't like that. :( Then i tried pumpkin- you loved it! Then i mixed the pumpkin with the sweet potato-carrot combo, it worked! Today, i fed you my favourite combo banana, avocado with pear-YUMS! You were lapping it up- much to mama's delight.

I am glad i waited for you to be ready. I am glad i didn't insist that you eat that would've scarred your first experience with food. I am glad we screwed the damn 'experts'. :)

The other day, we were all in the toy room patiently waiting for daddy to return home. When finally he emerged through the door, you immediately turned your head toward him upon hearing his voice. Your eyes met and you dropped all that was in your puny hands, turned your body and steadily crawled to your papa until you reached his feet. You set yourself up on sitting position, looked up to daddy, and bounce up & down as if to ask him to carry you. Which daddy wouldn't? Of course, papa immediately scooped you up in his arms- you were in absolute bliss.

Daddy put you right back on the floor, left the room to change. But you were relentless. You crawled out of the room, looked left, looked right and followed daddy's trail. You stopped only when you were right back at daddy's feet and into his loving arms once again.

Oh how You melt our hearts babydoll!